Reliability of h-index to judge the quality of an academic journal


A journal is marketing its h-index to promote the quality of its research articles. How good a measure is the h-index? We in the college of business use the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal list at, as well as the Cabells list. Is the h-index comparable? For example, the Journal of Accounting and Finance promotes itself by its h-index as mentioned at


I have done some research now, and it seems the h-index is a respected way of looking at a journal. However, it should be weighed with other factors, such as Impact Factor. The h-index began as a way to look at individual scholar impact, but it has now been expanded to journals. It seems from what I read that the h-index may actually provide a better measure of quality of publications than the impact factor. However, it should be one of multiple decisions when thinking about where to publish.

"A journal has an h-index of h if there is at least h papers published in that journal that have received at least h citations each." Impact Factor is the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.

Here are some sources of information done by other libraries:


Google Scholar Metrics and Scimago ( are the most extensive sources for h-index values of journals, but they may not include all journals. Here are instructions for Google Scholar Metrics from another library’s guide at





Although I have not covered h-index on my guide, here is a link to it that gives more background on journal evaluation:



  • Last Updated Feb 27, 2019
  • Views 198
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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