I'm looking for a list of journals in the field of literature that provides information on submission and publication rate.
I thought that this document was published yearly by the Modern Languages Assoc, but I can't find any evidence of it through their website. Can you help me?
I believe you're referring to the MLA Directory of Periodicals, which is now incorporated into the MLA database.
Go to the MLA International Bibliography database (under M on the Library's DATABASES tab). If you click on “Choose Databases”, next to “Searching MLA International Bibliography”, MLA Directory of Periodicals is available as an option to click on. Unclick MLA International Bibliography to search only MLA Directory of Periodicals. Alternatively, you can get the list of journals by clicking on “More” in the blue bar at the very top and selecting “Browse Periodicals”. Each journal's entry will include whatever information the publication submitted to MLA.