Where can I find the per capita spending on jewelry by nation?

If there is no unified source of data, I am only concerned with France, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Canada and United States



I have yet to find a unified source of data for per capita spending on jewelry by nation, and as it is, most of the data you will find will be jewelry sales by volume which you will then want to divide out by the population of the given country. For population purposes, CIA World Factbook will be a great one-stop shop



We have very few databases that deal with International Markets, and those that we do (primarily Marketline) do not appear to have market reports for Jewelry in any given country.


For the US, We have a database called "MarketLine Advantage" where you can search for Jewelry and find a US report for Jewelry Stores, which will provide you with the annual revenue for the US Jewelry Retail Industry.


For all other countries, you will want to try our databases which generally deal with articles, but many times also include market reports. ABI/INFORM Complete and Business Source Complete are your best bets for this.


In these databases try searches using your specific countries such as:

Jewelry AND Market AND France


Canada AND Jewelry AND Sales






  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2020
  • Views 84
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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