I need to find current news, it must be something published since August 22, 2014, regarding Title VII, focusing on discrimination on the basis
I suggest you use the library's LibSearch database tool. It's the main search box in the middle of the library hompage https://www.uhd.edu/library/Pages/library-index.aspx. Check the checkbox for "Full-Text (online)" to ensure you get articles you can view immediately in their entirety. Then enter search terms related to your topic, such as:
"Title VII" AND religious discrimination
"Immigration Reform and Control Act" AND workplace
"Title VII" AND national origin discrimination
Once on the results page, you'll want to limit the articles by date. In the left column, you'll see a "Publication Date" scroll bar. Click on the "Show More" link under the scroll bar. At the bottom of the window that pops up, you can choose to limit the articles by month and year. As far as I can see, you won't be able to limit the date to articles since the 22nd of August, but you can scroll through the articles to look at their specific publication dates.
Click the PDF Full-Text link to get to the full article.