How can I find information on a business going paperless?
You can start by using the LibSearch option from the library's home page.
Start at our homepage at Enter your search terms in the search box in the center of the screen labeled “LibSearch”. Some termes you might want to consider include:
Paperless Office and technology
Technology and Paper and Offices
Paperwork (office practice) and Technology
Your initial search may retrieve a high number of results.
To make the list into a more manageable number, use the “Refine results” options on the left side of the screen. You may want to check the first box under "Limit To," that says "full text." You may also want to check the box next to"Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" if you need scholarly, research-oriented resources. You can also choose to refine by Content Type, Publication Date, or Subject Terms and many other limiters.
Articles that are available in full text (in their entirety) may say "PDF Full Text" or "HTML Full Text." Click on these options to read the article online. Some articles will say "Check for Full Text." If you click on "Check for Full Text" LibSearch will see if other library databases have that article in full text. Sometimes they will and you should be provided with a link to the database or databases that contain the article. Other times it will tell you no results found. Once you have the article on the screen in front of you, there should be icons on the upper right side of the page that allow you to print, email, or save the document. If the document is a pdf, please use the pdf print tools, not the print option in your browser.
For more tips on using LibSearch, see our library guide at
The first 2 slides in the presentation are from our old website. However, the interface is basically the same. The tabs that were on top of the search box have been moved to the side.