I would like to know the way that cannabis cafes operate in Holland?

To know where they get the cannabis from and competition amongst cafes.


Researching an unconventional business such as cannabis cafes and coffee shops in the Netherlands in the same way you would research a more conventional business presents some difficulties. Instead of focusing on marketing, sales numbers, and competition many articles instead focus on whether or not this business is detrimental to society. Additionally many articles refer to Amsterdam only in reference to cannabis happenings in the United States. I had the most luck using LibSearch on UHD Library homepage with searches like:

Amsterdam AND Cannabis AND Competition

Amsterdam AND "Coffee Shops" AND Competition

Amsterdam AND "Coffee Shops" AND Supply AND Operation

Amsterdam AND "Coffee Shops" AND competition AND Cannabis AND business NOT America

You may try other searches interchanging the key words I used and linking them with a capital AND. I added "Not America" to one of my searches to weed out articles about cannabis in America. When you use the capital NOT in a search any document that has the word you put after NOT in it should not be retrieved. You can also limit to full-text articles or peer-reviewed journals by checking the boxes on the left side of the page. You might also try our Company and Industry Resources Guide.


  • Last Updated Apr 22, 2020
  • Views 44
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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