Where can I find information about the computer usage in Vietnam?
In regards to your question about computer and internet usage in Vietnam, a great starting place can be found from our International Business and Country Profiles guide.
After following the link to the research guide, select Country Resources from the tabs found along the top of the page.
Some basic communications stats, including internet usage, can be found in the CIA World Factbook, the first link on the left, once you are on the Country Resources tab. In the CIA World Factbook, you can select Vietnam using the Country dropdown box on the right. Once you are on the Vietnam page, scroll down to view the different categories of information (Introduction, Geography, etc.). The section about Communications will tell you how many internet hosts Vietnam has, as well as how many Internet Users they have (which you can compare with the population of Vietnam). This also gives you their rank in this statistic in comparison to the rest of the world (it's actually pretty high!). This is also an indication of demand.
On the home page of the research guide you will find the database ABI\INFORM
I searched this one using the following search:
Vietnam AND telecommunications
And came up with the following report on the Vietnam Telecommunications industry, which they publish every quarter (this is from the 4th quarter of 2013) - https://ezproxy.uhd.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1437048036?accountid=7109
This should give you details such as demand, weaknesses, biggest competitors, etc.