I am citing a newspaper article. What should I put for page number?


Traditionally print newspapers are usually numbered similar to a book, with page numbers located either in the top or bottom corner of the page. Larger newspapers are usually divided into sections, which are then have there own page numbering - A1, A2, A3 ... B1, B2, B3 ...


If you are retrieving this article from an online database, the page number is usually listed in the summary of the article either near its beginning or end - as shown in the image below. It's important that if there is a section you include it with the page number, since this will make finding the article easier.

For more information, consult our guides by selecting the Citing Sources tab on the library's homepage: https://www.uhd.edu/library/help/Pages/citingwriting.aspx






  • Last Updated Apr 20, 2020
  • Views 11076
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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