I am looking for research about why people should get a mental health evaluation before purchasing firearms.
Thank you for your question. There are a few different ways to approach this research topic. I think it would be best to begin your research using two databases that focus on controversial issues, CQ Researcher and Opposing Viewpoints. You'll find these databases on the Current Issues research guide available here: http://library.uhd.edu/currentissues. To enter the database, click its title. If you're off campus, you'll be prompted to log in with your network/Blackboard username and password.
Search for gun control in both databases. CQ Researcher will pull up a list of entries. Choose the most current entry for a summary of the issues, including proposed restrictions like psychological evaluations. The end of the article will have a list of suggested sources. Opposing Viewpoints will have a summary of the issue and links to various sources on the topic.
Next, try using Academic Search Complete. It is another database on the Current Issues page. This database searches a variety of disciplines. Consider using the following search terms in different combinations:
gun control
guns AND background check
gun ownership
guns AND law
guns AND restrictions
guns AND mental health
guns AND mental illness
shootings AND mental health
shootings AND mental illness
You can also access these databases by going to the library home page (uhd.edu/library) and clicking on the Databases tab located near the middle of the page. Next, select the first letter of the database's name and then select the database from the list.