I am looking for resources on strategies for teaching oral and written communication in large-cap classes (i.e. classes 50-100+).


A good place to start research on this topic is the library's Higher Education research guide.  (You can easily find a list of all of the library's research guides by selecting the Research Guides tab on the library's homepage https://www.uhd.edu/library/Pages/library-index.aspx. Select either Guides by Subject or the Education link to pull up a list of all the guides for Education.)

The Start Here - Find Articles box suggests useful databases for higher education topics. For a simple search on your topic, select ERIC and then add Education Full Text.  (To do this, click on the "Choose Databases" link next to "Searching: ERIC" at the top of the search screen. On the following screen select the box for Education Full Text, which is located near the bottom of the right column. Be sure to click "Okay" at the top of the list to add a database.) Next, enter the following search terms: Large group instruction AND College teaching AND Teaching methods.  On the left side of the page select the option to limit your search to Full Text.   

A catalog search using the terms "college teaching" and "class size" brings up several titles that may be of interest.

Directly searching any of the education journals under the Journals tab on the library's homepage is another way to locate articles on your topic.



  • Last Updated Apr 21, 2020
  • Views 64
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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