I would like my students to research the HR practices (benefits, compensation, safety) of their chosen company. Which database would you recommend?
We have a number of company databases, but they don't provide this kind of information. Generally, they provide what public companies are legally required to reveal by the SEC, and that doesn't include human resources information.
I also did some research to see if there's a Web resource that does this or another database that we just don't have, but I didn't find anything. Government resources don't usually go by company -- they survey overall questions like, how many people in this industry have benefits?, etc.
So I have a few recommendations -- probably the most efficient way to research compensation and benefits is to check the company's Web site, and perhaps inquire if they don't have enough information to help.
For safety issues, OSHA does provide information on reports from specific companies. Older data is searchable by company name here: http://www.osha.gov/pls/odi/establishment_search.html. Current reports are here:
However, they don't seem to allow searching by establishment name; they are strictly chronological.
Finally, students may be able to find something by searching for their company in article databases like ABI/Inform and Business Source Complete, listed on the Business Library Guide:
They could search for their company name and combine it with terms like human resources, employment, labor, compensation, benefits, safety, etc. If there happen to be articles written about their company, they might get some information that way.