I am looking for financial reports of a non-profit organization.
Begin by searching the organization's website for financial information, IRS reports, and the EIN (Employer Identification Number). If you go to the Candid website https://candid.org/research-and-verify-nonprofits/990-finder and search by EIN, you can get other 990 filing reports. You can also search the Candid by non-profit name, but you may have more luck with the EIN search. The EIN search appears when you click on "advanced search." Also, try National Center for Charitable Statistics at http://nccs.urban.org/ .
Similar information is available at Guidestar (http://www2.guidestar.org/Home.aspx), but you will need to register for a free account to view the results. It will mostly duplicate the Candid information.
Some information is also available from the Better Business Bureau’s charity search at https://give.org/, mostly drawn from the 990 reports. Also, try Charity Navigator http://www.charitynavigator.org/