Can I borrow books & DVD's from other libraries?
Yes! UHD students, faculty, and staff have several options for borrowing materials from other libraries.
1) Intercampus Delivery: Borrow items from other UH System campuses (UH Main, UH-Clear Lake, and the Law Library) and by requesting them through the library catalog.
2) In person - UH Libraries: To borrow materials in person at other UH System Libraries simply visit the other library and present your library card at the service desk. Faculty and Staff: Please verify you have a library account set up with the UHD Library before you visit another campus to check out materials.
3) Interlibrary Loan: Borrow materials including Books, Multimedia, Electronic and Hard Copy Articles from libraries outside the UH System (all over Texas and the United States). For more information, see our Interlibrary Loan page.
4) Texshare: The state of Texas has a great library program called Texshare which allows you to borrow materials from other participating Texshare Libraries. Visit the UHD Library for more information, or visit the Texshare website for a list of participating libraries. UHD Student (enrolled in current semester!), Faculty, and Staff can also apply for Texshare cards on our website.
5) Rice Reciprocal Borrowing: Rice does not participate in the Texshare program. You can borrow materials in person from Rice using their On Site Interlibrary Loan service. For details, see Borrowing From Other Libraries or stop by the 4th floor Library Information Desk.