My professor asked us to find a newspaper article in Nexis Uni. I have the title, author, publication date, and newspaper title.




To get to Nexis Uni, click on the DATABASES tab in the middle of the library homepage >>> "N" >>> Nexis Uni.  If you’re on campus it will connect directly.  If you’re off campus, you will see a UHD page asking you to log in with your username and password.

Now, enter the title of your article enclosed in quotation marks ("...") in the "Search Terms" box and select "Title" from the "All Fields" drop-down menu. Then hit "Search."

If you don't find your article, try these other ways to search:

  • Go back to the search screen and delete quotation marks out of the article title.
  • Delete any punctuation in the article title, including hyphens, apostrophes, colons, etc.

Then in the box where it says "Source" enter the title of the newspaper

One further note – when you search for your articles, the results are automatically sorted by date. Click through the pages until you see the dates and newspaper title you need.


Also, Nexis Uni has many local newspapers, but the coverage period may be for only the most recent 6 months.

  • Last Updated Apr 23, 2020
  • Views 104
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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