I'm looking for external environment analysis on the health care industry.

I need academic sources and professional sources on:
- General environment analysis: 7 trends
- Industry analysis: 5 forces
- Competitors analysis: Opportunities and Threats. 5 major competitors within this industry that are publicly traded in the USA with the ticker symbol & stock exchange of each competitor.


I recommend that you start with our business guide at http://library.uhd.edu/business.

Look for the "Company and Industry Resources" tab at the top and click on that tab.

From there, start with "Mergent Intellect" under "Industry Information."  Recommended search:  hospitals. 

If you need more company information, see "Mergent Online" (public companies).

"Business Source Complete" and "ABI/Inform" can be used to find academic publications. These publications cover a wide of range of topics, so you may need to add various words or phrases to focus on the kind of information you want to find.  For exampe:  healthcare industry AND competition, healthcare industry AND trends.  If you read the MarketLine Advantage or FirstResearch reports first, you will probably get ideas of keys issues to search here.

Our business librarians are also available for personal consultations and one-on-one training.


  • Last Updated May 04, 2020
  • Views 539
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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