I need to find 6 peer-reviewed journals that talk about white collar crime and gangs.


I recommend you try changing your search terms.  Instead of searching for "white collar crime" try searching for specific types of white collar crimes, for example fraud or counterfeiting.  You can also try replacing "gangs" with "organized crime". You may need to try several different combinations.  

Start at the library home page at www.uhd.edu/library.  From the search box in the center of the screen, click on the dark gray tab for RESEARCH GUIDES and then the link Criminal Justice.  This takes you to a list of subject specific research guides. From here, I recommend starting with the first Criminal Justice database.  Here you can search a collection of journals focused on topics in criminal justice.  If you look under the left sidebar labeled "Refine Results", you can check the box for Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. Then try combining the different search terms.  


  • Last Updated Apr 23, 2020
  • Views 377
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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