I neeed help finding information on how reality tv affects society.
I found some online articles and books that might help you. Start at the library's home page, https://www.uhd.edu/library/Pages/library-index.aspx. We're going to use the "Libsearch" feature in the middle of the screen. That's going to search for books and articles at the same time.
I tried two different searches. First I tried:
reality television
Then I tried:
reality television psychology
The first search gave some good general background information. The second one gave sources on how it affects people. In either case, if you want to see a summary of an item, to see if it will be helpful to you, hold your cursor over the magnifying glass next to its title. Click on the title to access the full record and full text link. Check the Cite icon on the right under Tools for citation in several citation formats.