What database should I use to find cultural information on India based on Hofstede's cultural dimensions?

I have to develop a cultural profile about India, indicating what type of culture it is based on Hofstede's dimensions: power distance, individualism, acceptance to change, materialism, etc. I also have to develop a rewards system that will most suit this type of culture and what type of management styles would be a best fit.


Start at the Library's International Business Research Guide. To get there, RESEARCH GUIDES tab in the middle of the Library homepage https://www.uhd.edu/library/Pages/library-index.aspx. Choose the Business link; then scroll down to the link for International Business.

The box in the middle of the screen has links to the Library's best databases for research topics in international business. I found the most information on your topic when searching Emerald Fulltext, but I suggest you try Business Source Complete and ABI/INFORM also.

Try these searches in the databases:

cultural dimensions theory AND India

hofstede cultural dimensions AND India


You could also try pairing some of the particular dimensions with "India," such as: uncertainty avoidance AND India.

  • Last Updated May 05, 2020
  • Views 101
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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