I am researching the practice of lynching?

The assignment states:
"A National Shame: Do some reading on the abominable practice of lynching in the American south. In particular, read about the psychological and sociological impact and purposes of lynching. Then analyze James Baldwin’s “Going to Meet the Man” in light of your research. What does Baldwin accomplish with his story?"


To find information on lynching and its historical/psychological/sociological legacy, I suggest you start with our History Research Guide (http://library.uhd.edu/history), which is found under the Research Guides tab located in the center of the library's homepage.

In the center of the History Research Guide homepage I recommend selecting the database called America: History and Life. Next, click on the Choose Databases link that you will see next to the name of the database, above the search boxes.  This will bring up a list of other databases that you will be able to search through at the same time, along with America: History and Life. Add Academic Search Complete,  PsycINFO, and SocINDEX with Full Text  then click on OK to return to the search screen. Under Search Options limit your results to full-text and scholarly (peer reviewed) journals. I was able to bring up some promising articles by entering the following broad searches: lynching AND historylynching AND behavior, lynching AND sociology, and lynching AND history AND psychological impact. Other search terms to experiment with are psychological violence, racial violence, race discrimination, and racism.  JSTOR, the database listed on the research guide, would be another good place to start your research.  

If you are also interested in using books select the Catalog tab on the library's homepage. Try the following search: lynching AND United States AND history.  You may want to limit your search to available items and UHD. There is also a tab for ebooks in the History Research Guide.

Our Literature Research Guide, located under English, should be helpful if you are looking for articles/literary criticism on the work of James Baldwin.  

  • Last Updated Apr 27, 2020
  • Views 179
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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