I am doing a persuasive speech for my communication class on the topic of bullying.
I suggest you start with our Psychology databases or our Education databases. To get to the Psychology databases, start at the Library homepage https://www.uhd.edu/library/Pages/library-index.aspx. Select the DATABASES tab; then click on the Databases by Subject link. Then choose Psychology. You will come to our Psychology Research Guide. The box in the middle of the page is a list of databases for research in Psychology. I suggest you start with PsychInfo or Academic Search Complete.
To get to our Education databases, follow the same directions as above, but choose the Education link on the Databases by Subject page. ERIC is a good database to try.
In your search, I suggest you combine the term "bullying" with each of the following keywords:
conflict resolution
For a persuasive speech or essay, you may also find some good material in current events and news sources. Under the DATABASES tab on the library homepage, choose the Databases by format link, and then select News. You will come to a list of databases for searching news sources.
One more suggestion is to use our Opposing Viewpoints database. It contains many types of articles on controversial topics. Under the DATABASES tab on the library homepage, select the "O" link, and then choose Opposing Viewpoints.