I need to log into an eBook, but I don't know what ID and password I'm supposed to use.
Your login information will depend on if you're trying to access an eBook from the UHD Library collection or if it's an electronic textbook you purchased.
UHD Library eBooks:
Please use you network login: username and password you use in Blackboard. After you enter your ID and PIN at this UHD login page, you should go directly to the ebook at the publisher's website. You should not be prompted to enter another login.
Electronic Textbooks:
If you're having trouble accessing an electronic textbook or other supplementary materials that you purchased for class, you will need to contact the publisher of the eBook. You should be able to find a "Contact Us" page on the publisher's website. Cengage Learning is a popular electronic textbook publisher at UHD, but there are many others.
If you purchased a printed book and are looking to access online supplementary materials, there is usually a code on a card inserted in the printed book.