In ENG 3302 my topic for research is Managing Medical Emergencies in the workplace. How do I investigate the cost of a small medical facility?

Are there any journals, databases, or search engines you can suggest I use? How do I find estimations on salaries such as doctors, nurses, and medical assistants? Your help would be greatly appreciated.


 A good place to start is with the library Class Guide for English 3302 .  This is a collection of resources that can help with the different parts of your research.

For the first part of your question, finding journals, databases and search engines for research on medical emergencies in the workplace, take a look at the homepage of the guide and start with database ABI/Inform Complete.   Try searching

“Medical Emergencies” AND “Workplace”

For the second part of your question, how do I find estimation on salaries such as doctors, nurses, and medical assistants, I recommend using the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook.  You can find a variety of information about different careers here including earnings.  For other helpful career resources check out our Career Resources Guide.

To investigate the cost of a small medical facility, try some of the resources on our Small Business Resource guide.  You can find information about financing and grants here as well.

  • Last Updated May 06, 2020
  • Views 112
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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