My proposal involves seeking the best method for building a playground at an elementary school.

I would like to know if there are Journals/Magazines or databases available that you would recommend from the UHD library online where I could find information on the impact of playground/recess time in elementary schools. I would like to be able to include research studies or articles that show a positive impact on academic success when recess is a regular part of the school day.



I suggest you use some of our education databases. To find them, start at the Library homepage Select the DATABASES tab and click on the Databases by Subject link. Then click on Education. You’ll be at a list of good databases for education. You can also use LibSearch, our search box on the library's homepage. In the database, enter in some combinations of these terms in the different search boxes:



Physical activity






Cognitive development

Cognitive performance

Academic success


You can also click the Full Text and Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals check boxes on the first screen of the database. Once in the Results screen, you can use the options in the left column to narrow your results (by date, for instance).



  • Last Updated Apr 27, 2020
  • Views 70
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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