What teacher training programs are available for a major in 4-8 generalist?

I am doing research project using company directories and annual reports to find information about a company. I need information on teacher training programs.


To find information on teacher training programs, I suggest you start with the U.S. Department of Education website that lists different paths to teacher certification.

To find articles on teacher training programs, you may want to access databases listed in the Library's Education Research Guide. Start with the database called ERIC.  You nay want to use the following keywords:

teacher education programs

teacher training

professional development


United States.

As you may know from having used EBSCOhost databases before, once you have your search results, you can check off options on the left of the results for “full text” and “scholarly (peer reviewed) journals.” This will further narrow your search to things where the entire article text is included in the database, and it is from a scholarly journal.

  • Last Updated Dec 03, 2018
  • Views 69
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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