I have a question regarding the current status of the UHD name change.

I am looking for statistical data on the voting. Whether or not this is still a current issue or has been forgotten? Is it slated to come up again at this next legislature?



I think you will find the most up-to-date information about the status of the possible UHD name change by contacting the UHD Office of University Relations.

A couple of interesting documents come up if you search the UHD website for "name change" (use the search box in the very top right of any UHD web page). There are the results of a poll of students, faculty, staff, and alumni on their opinions about possible names for the university and also some articles from Dateline Downtown (UHD's student newspaper). However, these articles are now a couple of years old.

You can also search the Houston Chronicle for articles about the possible name change, but the most recent articles I found are from 2009. To search the Chronicle, from the UHD Library homepage, click the blue DATABASES tab in the middle of the screen. Then click the "H" link. Then choose the link for "Houston Chronicle." Once in the database, I searched for: UHD name change.

  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2020
  • Views 183
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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