I am looking for an empirical articles from the journals titled "Sex Roles" or "Women Psychology Quarterly".
You can get to the journals "Sex Roles" or "Psychology of Women Quarterly" with these steps:
(1) Go to https://www.uhd.edu/library/Pages/library-index.aspx
(2) Click on the "Journals" tab.
(3) Type one of the journal names in the search box and click "Search."
(4) Both journals are available in various databases and online journal collections, so you will see a list of sources for both journals. Choose one that has dates of coverage that end with "to Present."
(5) Once you get to the journal site, you may search within the journal for a specific topic or browse by choosing an issue by month and year.
(6) Then choose a article from the list of articles in each issue. The "empirical" articles will be relatively long (usually more than five pages) and they will have section headings like abstract, review, methodology, results, conclusion, and references/bibliography. To see the full article, you may need to click on a link that says "download" or "full text."