I want to find research on what are the chances of a child attending college if parents attended college.
I suggest that you look at the Library research guide for education. Click on the the Research Guides tab and then on the "education" link on the research guides page. One of the tabs on the guide lists several appropriate databases for educational research topics.
The first database I used to find periodical articles on your topic was Education Source. It covers many topics including education and the results can be narrowed by several limits including date of publication or scholarly articles only. I started looking for articles using keywords from your question including "college attendance" and "parents". Then I reviewed the resulting list of articles which were displayed with the most relevant articles first. When I found an appropriate article, I looked down at the subject heading that followed the article citation. As a result, I found several related subject headings that I jotted down to compose a more focused new search. Some of those subject heading included the following: "Student aspirations" "parent participation in education" "educational attainment" and "College attendance". I combined the last term, "College attendance" with "parent participation in education" to get a reasonable list of articles.
For statistical data, go to the Statista database and search for first generation college students to find the distribution between first in family to attend college and children following parents' steps.