I am working a research paper for my sociology class and my topic is child slavery.

I would like to know which databases would be good to search for related articles


I recommend starting at the library research guide for sociology found here: http://library.uhd.edu/sociology.  On the guide you will find the best resources for finding articles, books, film, and statistics in social science topics.  

The first recommended database is SOCIndex.  Try using the search terms

child AND slavery 

Child AND slaves

Child AND slave trade

Once you are on the results page, look to the column on your left for the heading SUBJECT. If you click on this term, you may find some other helpful search terms for your topic.  

The library has several films on the topic available both streaming and on DVD.  

1) Go to the library home page here: https://www.uhd.edu/library/Pages/library-index.aspx

2) Click on the CATALOG tab.

3) On this screen, try the search term "child slave trade".

4) On the result list screen, look for the RESOURCE TYPE link on the left, expand and select VIDEOS.  


  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2020
  • Views 372
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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