Does the library have textbooks for classes?


Students often ask if the UHD library has the textbooks for their classes.  The librarians understand that students would like to have copies of their textbooks available from the library, but there are some very good reasons why we do not usually buy them.

Each instructor chooses his or her own textbooks for class sections. This means that there are many different textbooks assigned each semester, and that they change from semester to semester. It would be very difficult for the library to keep up with these changes, to keep a textbook collection current.

Just like every UHD college and department, the library operates on a limited budget. As every student knows, textbooks can be very expensive. If the library were to buy every assigned textbook we would have much less money available for other books and services, including online resources such as e-books and full-text article databases. We would then be less able to help students with the research that their courses require.

Textbook publishers need to make a profit in order to stay in business. If university libraries collected textbooks regularly, textbook sales would drop. This is why some publishers will not sell their textbooks to libraries like ours.

Even if the library did purchase textbooks, the benefits to each student would be limited. More than likely, the first student to check out a textbook would keep it for as long as possible, which would limit the number of students who could use it each semester.  We've also noticed that when textbooks are available for checkout they often get stolen or lost. 

The library staff understands that textbooks can be expensive. Unfortunately, the library is not in a position to provide textbooks. We can, however, help you to find any other information you need in order to succeed in your classes here at UHD. Whenever you need help answering a question or researching a topic come to see us at the library’s Information Desk, or click on Ask a Librarian on our website, and we will be glad to do whatever we can to help you!

To find your textbooks, see the UHD Bookstore website. Under the TEXTBOOKS tab, click FIND TEXTBOOKS. You need to select the term, department, and course number for courses in which you are enrolled. Once you identify the courses, click FIND MATERIALS. You can purchase or rent the books online or visit the bookstore on the 3rd floor of the One Main building. Bookstore staff can answer any questions about textbooks.
Their phone number is (713)221-8025.

  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2020
  • Views 262
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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