I am writing a research paper on the rainforests and their locations.

What would be the best way to find information on this by using the online library.


A good place to start is with our databases.

1. Go o the Library's home page and click on the Database  tab.
2. Select the Research Guides>>Guides by Subject link.
3. Select your subject area – I recommend Environmental Studies. From here you may choose a database. A database is a collection of materials including scholarly journal articles that are easily searchable in one place. A good database to choose here is Academic Search Complete. It covers a lot of general information.

You can use the search terms

Rainforest & Geography
Rainforest & Biome

You may also want to search for books under the Catalog tab on the Library's homepage.

  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2020
  • Views 77
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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