Can you help me find peer reviewed sources for a research paper on drug trafficking between Mexico and Texas?


I suggest you start with the library research guide on criminal justice To find the guide yourself, start at the
library homepage and go to the dark gray RESEARCH
GUIDES tab. Click on the link for Criminal Justice. Then click the first
link on the following page "Criminal Justice."

Once in the Criminal Justice Research Guide, take a look at the Databases listed in the middle of the screen. I suggest you
start with "SAGE Journals Online" or "Taylor & Francis Online." All of
the articles in both of these databases are from peer-reviewed journals.

Here are some suggested search terms to try in each of the databases:
drug trafficking
drug war 
drug cartels

Add some of these terms to narrow down the geographic location:
United States border

  • Last Updated May 04, 2020
  • Views 226
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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