I need help to find articles on how to investment after the 2008 financial crisis: tips, management, and strategies.
Please visit our research guide on finance and investing, available at http://library.uhd.edu/finance. It lists some appropriate databases, one of which is Business Source Complete (BSC). Go to BSC and in the first box, type:
Investment advice
In the second box, type:
Global financial crisis
It comes up with some results that look good. You can limit your results by looking on the left-hand side of the page and clicking on full-text (to get only items that have the whole text online), then clicking on the green "update" button that then appears. You will also be able to limit by publication date in that area.
You might also want to try the other major database listed on the guide, ABI/Inform. Go to it and copy-and-paste this:
investment AND (economic crisis) AND (personal OR portfolio).
It may be that you're limited to articles, but we do have lots of books on this topic, including e-books that you can reference on a composition paper. From the library homepage click on the gray tab that says 'catalog' then click where it says search the catalog. Then try searching '2008 Financial Crisis.'