I need to look at the cost for the university to conduct a regular face-to-face class, a hybrid class and an online class.


I am not aware of this university having done such a study. I think the people to check with would be Director of Off Campus and Online Coordination or Director of Institutional Research .

If you would like to look at the evidence for cost-effectiveness of online instruction in general, you can look for articles in the library databases. Go to the library’s homepage at http://www.uhd.edu/library and you’ll see a LibSearch box in the middle of the page. Try the following search: “cost effectiveness” AND "online education".

Many of the items will not refer to education, but some will. You could also search: “cost effectiveness” blended

The word “blended” is generally used in the literature instead of “hybrid.”

For more information about how to use LibSearch, see https://prezi.com/hozyfernrmxs/welcome-to-uhd-libsearch/.

  • Last Updated May 05, 2020
  • Views 100
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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