I need help finding information about how recycling is a key component of sustainability?
Begin with the library's Environmental Studies Research Guide http://library.uhd.edu/environmental. In the middle box on this page you will see a list of databases. The first two are probably good places to start: Environment Complete or Academic Search Complete.
In each database, click the checkboxes for "Full Text" and "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals." The following are suggestions of search terms to enter into the databases. You can try entering different combinations of these terms:
recycling AND importance
recycling AND impact
"waste management"
"solid waste"
"environmental protection"
Make sure to use the quotation marks where indicated. Quotation marks will make the database retrieve the terms as one phrase instead of as individual words.
On the Results list, you can use the options in the left column to refine your search (by date, subject, etc.).