Does the library have the capstone thesis projects completed by UHD students? How do I find them?


The library receives theses in print. They are located near the Information Desk on the 4th floor, north side of the library, in the library computer lab.

You can search for a thesis at UHD by using our catalog at You can either search by author, title, subject or keyword, just like you would a book, or you can scan a list of theses by doing the following:

1.Go to the library's homepage>>the Catalog tab>>Advanced search.

2.Type university of houston-downtown and select the "Dissertation/Theses" from the "Material Type" drop-down menu. 
3.You will have a list of UHD student theses owned by the library. “Thesis cj” items are for criminal justice, and “Thesis Eng” items are for Professional Writing.


  • Last Updated Sep 11, 2023
  • Views 86
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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