I'm researching digital textbooks.

I'm trying to find a statistic that would demonstrate how much time/money could be saved by students if they could pay to access textbooks digitally for each class instead of buying/renting textbooks in hard back form.


Lets look at some specific suggestions for your research. First, I would suggest using the following phrases and search terms:
“electronic publishing”
“publishing industry”
“college costs”


Also, use the phrase “cost comparison” instead of just the word "costs."


Then, start by using the UHD library’s search tool LibSearch. On the library home page you’ll see the LibSearch search box in the center of the page. Try entering the following in the search box:
“electronic publishing” “publishing industry” textbooks “College costs”


Click on some of the articles this search brings up, and then look for a link, such as “full text”, to actually view the article.


In addition, you can search in our business-oriented databases such as ABI/Inform and Business Source Complete.


You can find these databases by going to the library home page and clicking the tab named “Databases”. Now click “Databases by Subject," then choose "Business”. You’ll see a list of business research guides.
The first guide is called General Business Resources – choose that guide. In the center box, you’ll see a list of databases. The first two are the ones I mentioned above.


Business Source Complete will tend to provide you with journal articles related to your topic. ABI/Inform offers newspaper articles and other kinds of business information. I suggest you do searches in both of these databases.
For example, in Business Source Complete enter the following terms in two of the search boxes:
“electronic publishing” AND “textbooks.” Then click Search.

We have a wealth of information about reducing textbook costs on our OER Research guide.


  • Last Updated May 15, 2020
  • Views 58
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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