I am researching the topic of overcrowded classrooms and the option of year round classes.

I would also like to get statistics and graphs for this project.


You can search books, newspapers, journal articles and trade publications on year round school and overcrowding all in one step using our search tool LibSearch – a Google-like way to search our library’s collection. Some of the articles you find will likely include statistics.

Start at our homepage at www.uhd.edu/library. Use the search box in the center of the screen labeled “LibSearch”. I entered “year round school" AND overcrowding into this search tool and came up with a list of more than 400 results. You could also search for year round school in general by just leaving off the word “overcrowding,” and you should come up with a lot more material.

To make the list into a more manageable number, use the “Refine Results” options on the left side of the screen. You can choose to refine by SourceType, Subject, or Publication Date. For example, to get just scholarly material, you could check off “Scholarly (peer-review) journals" or "Full Text" to see all results for articles you can read online.
Another way to sort the information is by using the drop down box on the top right side of the results list that says “Relevance.” The default setting is to display the articles most relevant to your search terms first, but if you want, you may also sort the information by date (older to newer or vice versa.)

For more tips on using LibSearch, see our library guide at https://prezi.com/hozyfernrmxs/welcome-to-uhd-libsearch/.

The Department of Education site should be helpful. You can search it by putting “year round school” (do put it in quotes) in the search box on the upper right side of the page. One thing I found digging around was this chart on the policies of each state on whether they allow year-round school: https://nces.ed.gov/programs/statereform/sss.asp


  • Last Updated May 06, 2020
  • Views 510
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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