I'm researching pay equality in higher education.
You can approach this in a few ways: 1) Do some general research on equal pay 2) Narrow that search to take a look at universities and professorship 3) Find some statistics on equal pay around the country 4) Take a look at faculty pay in the UHD budget.
Start by searching databases. Go to the library home page at www.uhd.edu/library and from the search box in the center of the screen choose the tab marked RESEARCH GUIDES. Then choose the “Social Sciences” link. Then scroll through the list in the center of the page until you find “Sociology”. From the Sociology guide, choose a database for researching your topic. I recommend using Academic Search Complete, SocIndex and/or Opposing Viewpoints.
Start with Academic Source Complete. I entered “equal pay” into the search box and found several topics on the subject. On the left side of the screen, there are some options to narrow your search. Notice the option labeled “Subject”. You might use some of the subjects as search terms as well. Terms like “pay equity” and “equal pay for equal work” should help you find information on the topic as well.
Next, try combining the search term “equal pay” and “universities”. Several studies in this area came up in the results list.
I recommend trying Opposing Viewpoints as well. Here you can find information about the issue as well as original documents like the Equal Pay Act legislation.
Visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. At the top of the webpage, there is a drop down menu for “Publications”. Look for the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Here you can find information about specific occupations including the average pay.
I can also recommend Data.gov at https://www.data.gov/. Try searching “wages” in the search box and browse through the results for information related to your topic.
Finally, the UHD Library has a copy of the university's current budget. Stop by the 5th floor Library check out desk to use a copy. This document has the university budget, including wages.