I am looking for information on Wal-Mart executives.


If you need information about Wal-Mart’s executives, you can find this information in the databases called Mergent Online  and Hoover’s. From the library's home page at  http://www.uhd.edu/library/ select the Databases tab. Databases will be listed in the alphabetical order.

In Mergent, search for Wal-Mart. Choose Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Then choose the “company details” tab. Then look at the green bar below the “company details” tab and choose “Executives.” This choice will display a list of officers, etc. Look for the plus symbol below each name. Click on the plus symbol for an expanded profile of each person.



  • Last Updated May 19, 2020
  • Views 45
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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