I'm researching advising programs offered to incoming UHD students and how they impact student success.
If you visit the University College, you will find information for new students. There is one for College Readiness that may have useful information about what prospective students are told. Also, check out the Achieving the Dream link. You may also try contacting University College with questions about what is provided to new and prospective students. You can search the UHD website for academic advising by colleges.
Another source is on the Office of Admission webpage http://www.uhd.edu/admissions/. You want to contact the Director or staff.
One program for students still in high school is Upward Bound which focuses on helping student go on to and succeed in college. For statistics on these programs, contact the individual departments.
For statistics comparing UHD to other universities, one way to approach the issue is to compare the retention rates and the six year graduation rates (this is the standard “industry” measure). You can find the UHD rates in the Fact Book online. For a comparison to other colleges, The National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator at http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/. This tool is a good place to compare universities. This website will have information on UHD as well as others about admissions, graduation and retention rates (dropouts), and a number of other statistics.
The library has a research guide to Higher Education where you may find some helpful resources. Start with the ERIC database and search: advising and retention. You should find articles regarding advising tools to increase student retention.