I am trying to locate information on new home sales vs existing home sales in Houston.


I found several sources that you may want to look at. It seems like Houston Area Realtors and the Texas A&M Real Estate Center are especially good sources.

Here is the link for the Real Estate Center: http://recenter.tamu.edu/. You may want to look at the data links, as well as what comes up on this page. Since this is coming from a university, it should be a very credible source.

Here is the link for Houston Area Realtors. You can click the 'for sale' tab at the top then select 'homes for sale' or 'new construction' do a search of the same area for both of these things and compare the numbers. I couldn’t locate a section of just statistics on their site, but past press releases should tell about past months (in the Newsroom section).

Finally, another good source would be the Houston Chronicle, and we have it in a database going back through the early 80’s, listed in the alphabetical order under the Databases tab in the library's home page at http://www.uhd.edu/library/. Search for
"Houston housing market".

  • Last Updated May 19, 2020
  • Views 31
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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