I need to find mass spectrum and an abstract for the synthesis and purification of purine.

For the references, I have to include Chemical abstract number and registry number.


To find the mass spectrum you will use the Explore Substance option in SciFinder. You can see a video tutorial of this on the SciFinder guide here: http://library.uhd.edu/Scifinder (bottom box, center). After you do a search you will see a link that says Substance Detail with a three dash number, that is the CAS number. Click that link and open the compound details. The mass spectrum will be towards the end of the page. There will be a listing of lots of spectrum, the mass is towards the end of that list. When you find it, click the see spectrum link to get the image you need.

To find an abstract you will use the Explore References option in SciFinder. You do not need to get the full text, you only need the abstract page, which will be the page after you click the title in the search results. It will have a short summary of the article, and if you look to the right of the page there is a grey area that has the source information. In the box that says Accession number you should see a number labeled CAN, that is the chem. abstract number.


  • Last Updated May 07, 2020
  • Views 104
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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