I am looking for information on security on campus.

I am taking Eng. 3302 Business Technical Writing, and I have to do some research for my progress report and feasible study. I am looking for information on security cameras/systems on school campuses and also information about the UHD police department, school police departments in general, and maybe something on patrol methods for college campuses.


1) To start, for information about security cameras and systems at UHD you may want to contact our Electronic Security Systems Manager, Scott Batt. His email address is BattS@UHD.edu. For general information about security systems on school campuses, try searching our education databases. Start at our library homepage (www.uhd.edu/library) and choose the tab for Research Guides>>Guides by Subject. From here you can choose Education>>Higher Education. Now you're in the Higher Education Research Guide. Choose the blue Databases tab. Now choose the link to the ERIC database. In the database, try searching terms like:

Security AND Cameras
Surveillance AND Campus
Surveillance AND University
Surveillance AND Systems
Surveillance AND Systems AND Campus

Higher Education is another term you can use in place of Campus and University.

In the Results screen, look at the column on the left for some ways to refine your search. One of the options is “Subject”. Looking here can help you limit your search or give you more ideas for search terms.

2) For information on the UHD Police Department, visit their webpage at http://www.uhd.edu/campus/pd/. Notice the links on the left side of the webpage. If you click on the link for Police & Security Services, you’ll see several different types of reports and available statistics regarding campus security.

To research campus police departments and patrol methods, visit the ERIC database again. Try searching

Campus AND Police
Campus AND Patrol
University AND Police

3) To find Books on your subject, try the Librray catalog. Visit the homepage (www.uhd.edu/library) and select the blue tab in the middle of the screen marked “CATALOG”. Enter the terms “Campus” AND “Security” to find books on security, surveillance, and higher education.

  • Last Updated May 11, 2020
  • Views 105
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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