Are there any videos or streaming videos that can be used in online courses?


Films on Demand is the largest library database of high-quality video for academic content.

Films on Demand is listed on this page: When you get into Films on Demand, you can browse by subject or search the titles by keyword.

The best practice for directing student to videos in Films on Demand or any other databases is to give them the title of a video and the following instructions:

"Getting to your video:

·         From the University’s main page go to > Quick Links and select > Library

·         Locate the LibSearch box in the center of the library’s website – to the left you will find options (gray boxes) select > Databases

·         From the A-Z list select > the letter F

·         From the list of databases beginning with the letter F select  > Films on Demand

·         You are now in the Films on Demand database.  Copy and paste the title of your video in the search box at the top of the page. "


Other streaming video databases.
Or select the Databases tab on the library's home page>>Databases by Type>>Video.



  • Last Updated May 12, 2020
  • Views 121
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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