I need books or scholarly journals on the agricultural market revolution from 1810-1840.


A good place to start research in History is our library guide found here: http://library.uhd.edu/history or by starting at the library homepage (https://www.uhd.edu/library), selecting the RESEARCH GUIDES tab from the search box in the center of the screen, then “Arts and Humanities” from the box on the left, and then “History” from the alphabetical list in the center.


From the History Library Guide (http://library.uhd.edu/history ), the blue tab on the top labeled “Articles” has the best databases for History research. Try “America: History and Life.” Check the boxes “Full Text” and “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” found in the center of the screen and search with the terms:


“agricultur*” AND “market revolution”

“agrigcultur*” AND “revolution”

“agricultur*” AND “market”

Entering “Historical Period from” 1810 to 1840 will find some results related to the years specified in your assignment.



Also, from the History Library Guide (https://library.uhd.edu/history), the blue tab labeled “Books” provides links to eBook resources (for book chapters) and the catalog for finding print materials.


From the History Library guide homepage (https://library.uhd.edu/history), notice the blue tab labeled “Primary Source” documents. This tab has links to primary source documents like historical newspapers.



  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2020
  • Views 84
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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