How can I research a topic about rewards, children, and behavior?
Begin with the Psychology Library Guide:
From the databases listed in the middle of the screen, try PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and Academic Search Complete. Here are a few search terms that you might want to try. Also, the quotes are important! Where it says “AND” you can either type that or you can put each term in a separate search box. This will pair words of phrases together in your search.
“children” AND“reward”
“children” AND “reward” AND “behavior” (adding the word behavior will narrow the search a bit)
“children” AND “positive reinforcement”
“child” AND “reward” AND “behavior” (using the singular form “child” will give different results than using plural form “children”)
“child” AND “reward”
“child” AND “positive reinforcement”
“child behavior” AND “reward”