Can you help me get started researching bullying in schools?

I am looking for statistical data and perhaps journals and articles on how students are affected physically, mentally, emotionally and socially by bullying.


There are a couple of places you can search for this topic.

(1) Government reports are good for basic statistics, prevention strategies, etc. Start with the government websites listed below. Type "bullying" in the search box at the upper left-hand corner of each website.



(2) You can also find a lot using the LibSearch box at the center of the library homepage at  Try some of the searches listed below.  After each search, look for the "Refine your search" options on the left side of the results screen.  Then choose "Items with full text online" and "Limit to articles from peer-reviewed publications."  The second options limits your search to journals.


  • school bullying
  • school bullying prevention
  • school bullying effects
  • school bullying victims
  • school bullying victimization
  • school bullying psychological
  • school bullying social
  • school bullying emotional

To make the list of results into a more manageable number, use the “Refine your search” options on the left side of the screen. You can choose to refine by Content Type, Subject Terms, or Publication Date. I would suggest that you consider adding other keywords like “prevention” or “cyberbullying.” You could also put in words to indicate the level of school, like “elementary” or “high.” So, for example, you might do a search like this:

Bullying school prevention

Or this:

Cyberbullying school

A way to sort the information you receive is by using the drop down box on the top right side of the results list that says “Relevance”. The default setting is to display the articles most relevant to your search terms first, but you may also sort the information by date (older to newer or vice versa.)

All of the items that have a gold graphic that says “Online” are full-text in the database. You can click on the title of the item to get to it.


(3) Our Education Databases page at provides more specialized tools for journal articles on your topic.  All of the databases there are good.  You can use the same searches listed above, but add the word AND after "school bullying," i.e.,


  • school bulletin AND prevention
  • school bulletin AND victims
  • school bulletin AND victimization
  • school bulletin AND psychological
  • school bulletin AND social
  • school bulletin AND emotional






  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2020
  • Views 183
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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