I am looking for statistics and other information about parking at UHD.
For parking issues at UHD, start with the UHD Parking and Transportation Department web page at http://www.uhd.edu/about/parking/. If you need more information, you may need to call the parking office at 713-221-8127.
Facilities Management is the area that deals with potential future facilities. Also, you may want to talk to the UHD police staff about the trends in student parking they observe. Here is the link to the UHD police home page at https://www.uhd.edu/police-department/Pages/default.aspx
One other place to try is the Student Government Association, whose web site with contact information is at https://www.uhd.edu/student-life/student-activities/sga/Pages/sga-index.aspx. They survey students annually to determine issues of importance to them, so may have information for you on this topic if it has come up in a past survey.