Does UHD have a subscription to the US Court’s PACER system?


UHD does not subscribe to the PACER system. Appellate court decisions can be found in two other library databases: Westlaw Campus Research and LexisNexis Academic. Other features of the PACER system, such as lists of participants, case documents, and the claims registry, are only available in PACER. PACER is designed to be used by individuals, rather than libraries, so it is necessary to set up an individual account. Costs accrue at the amount of 8 cents per page, but individuals do not actually need to pay for access until the total cost reaches $30, so if you have a small amount of research to do, you may be able to complete your research free of charge. See this link for more details:


  • Last Updated Jul 14, 2020
  • Views 73
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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