How do I find information on second language acquisition?


To find information on second language acquisition, start with the library reference sources. Choose the "Databases" tab on the Library home and then click on the letter "G". Choose the first link, to the Gale Virtual Reference Library. Once you are in this database, you can enter search terms like“second language acquisition” or “second language learning.” The results you get will be articles from reference works that will provide you with background information and a general overview of your topic.

To search for books on the same topic, select the "Catalog" tab from the home page.

To find scholarly (or “peer-reviewed”) journal articles on this topic, you can search in education databases. To get to these databases, go back to the library's home page and select the Research Guides tab>>Guides by Subject>>Education>>choose database. Once you are in the database you have chosen, you can again enter the search terms you used in the Gale Virtual Reference Library: “second language acquisition” or “second language learning.”




  • Last Updated Jul 13, 2020
  • Views 60
  • Answered By UHD Librarian

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